Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do I Have Value?

Hello There Everyone, 

Well first of all, I hope you are having a good day so far. 

Well, today I wanted to quickly talk to you about a topic that has to deal about valuing who you are and doing what you can to make the best you regardless of your shape, size, color, or anything of that sort. In our lives we sometimes struggle with finding an "identity" for ourselves, knowing what exactly makes us different from the rest. 
I was faced with a situation the other day that will make sense in why I am telling you this; someone asked me what was it that made me, me. I'm not going to sit here and tell you guys that the first thing that I said was my many talents or my amazing ability to to be the best in everything and anything I do. Honestly it took my some time to come up with an answer. I was thinking it over and over and over again in my mind, "what's special about me?" "What is it that stand out about myself?" and at that moment I couldn't think about anything better to say then to say my personality. Well of course my personality makes me, me. I mean everyone's personality is different and it's what makes the person them, you know?  
Now that I think of it, there are so many things I could have said, and this whole experience really opened my eyes so I can be able to realize that I should value myself more, now I'm not talking about making an idol of myself or feeling like I'm the best person in the world and everyone should think that but being comfortable with myself, knowing that God choose me because He wanted to use me to make a difference in this world and I'm not going to be able to make any difference if I am not able to see any value in myself, before this experience I was one of the persons who found many positive and wonderful qualities in many people but yet couldn't find at least one in myself. I now leaned to value who it is that I am and fight every day in making the best me that I can be, when you are shy and fail to see the value in yourself then how can we expect for anyone else see this value that we all have. If you can't help yourself then how can we be able to help others in need. 
Value yourself because you are unique and do not allow anyone to make you think otherwise, making a difference in this world has to start within us. 

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4.12 
Mediate in this verse and let me know what you think in the comments down below. 

Thank you all for reading, Take Care and God Bless until next time.

Instagram: @itsvaneessaa