There are some people so poor that the only thing they have is money.
What are we really worried about? So many times in life people get catch up with their own lives that they start to forget about everyone else around them, even the people who have been there since day one. When a teenager leaves home to go off to college, at that moment they don't first think about their parents. Their only worry is about their lives and future, they begin to wonder how college life will be like, who's going to be their roommate, what new experiences are about to come their way and how their lives will quickly change. This kind of mentality usually lasts until the day they move out and their start to realize that they are suffering of home-sickness. It's when they realize that they are on their own and that mommy is not going to be there all the time and her delicious warm food won't be ready as they walk into their dorm. But unfortunately many children don't remember or wish not to remember about their parents or loved ones. Many only see their family when they are on winter break or summer break or some even decide to stay away from home. They soon graduate from college and start their own lives in a far away state and only see their family a number of times. Even if we live in the same house as our family we at times ignore them intentionally or unintentionally and only focus on our wants, our dreams, it's soon becomes all about us. This act of selfishness can quickly make us forget to appreciate the simple things that we can have, just like being able to remember childhood memories with their brothers and sisters as you sit around the dinning table. Many times we have to remind ourselves what it is that we are trying to achieve. We can soon become the definition of the word Selfish. So always take time to appreciate what you have in front of you, take some time to spend it with your loved ones over an ice cream, because there's always time for ice cream.
Take care and until next time.